A 5-day confidence boot camp to help you navigate the flight or freeze that comes with stepping up, standing out, and being heard
The magic goes down Monday, June 15.
You can be a magical-AF unicorn in your industry — anxiety not included.
You want fame, right? To be known in your industry — and maybe even the world — in a way that fits with who you are. And there is SO MUCH you want to say to the people and systems giving your industry (and humanity) a bad name. Only problem? The panic you feel when you think of people seeing you as an expert… or simply seeing you at all.
→ What if they find out I’m a fraud?
→ What if I offend someone?
→ What if they disown me?
→ What if they judge me for taking up the spotlight?
Your desire to have everyone like you warring with your hunger to make a difference, to voice your opinion, to change the GD world!
Aren’t you tired of living in the anxiety of what might happen? Do you want the confidence to stand boldly in that moment of visibility — excited and empowered to Say. The. Thing?
I can show you how.
In this 5-day confidence boot camp we’ll deep dive into:

Why confidence matters to you, specifically, and the sacred work you’re called to share

How your beliefs can be transformed into the confidence to stand in your power

What is really required to overcome the doubt crippling your muchness + magic

How to embrace (+ transmogrify!) the mistakes, failure, and fear feeding your anxiety

How to cultivate a power posse equal to the sacred creation you are putting into the world
It’s time to own your magic + shake. down. the house. with the ultimate expression of who you are and what you have to say…
…in confidence, you magical-AF Unicorn!

Soul Mapper, Magic Awakener, and Molotov cocktail in Hello Kitty packaging.
Whether your sacred creation in this season is yourself, your creative work, your business, or your leadership, I provide you with the tools to unlock your Creation Magic™, create your most incredible work yet, and transform the world!
And I am hella passionate about the work I do.
See, I feel the future—that bright, incredible space + time that will happen when you say yes to you and your sacred creation. I also feel its loss when you fumble or turn away because of doubt, fear or confusion.
Which is why I’m so committed to supporting Sacred Rebels!
I’ve spent the last 30 years navigating trauma, the past 8 helping creatives claim their power, and the last 6 exploring mind-blowing, life-changing elements of the intuitive world.
And through a combination of personal development principles + practical woo, I’ve mastered getting insane results + incredible breakthroughs for both myself and my clients.
I’ve owned several successful companies — from teaching energy work and intuitive gifts to helping writers craft fiction to this current call of sacred rebellion — and I know the fears, doubts, setbacks, and resistance we experience when we choose to follow our soul songs, especially when it requires us to stand up and be both seen and heard.
I get it. I really, really do.
So I CAN’T let you back down. I can’t let you play small. I can’t let you believe for another nano-second that staying where it feels safe is serving your highest call.
You are the one. The right one. The beautifully imperfect one who’s been called to change the world.
I believe in you.
Loves & hugs,
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DISCLAIMER: The results stated above are my personal results and that of clients. Please understand results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. By submitting your email address and phone number on this website, you are authorizing our company to send you informational and promotional messages via email, phone calls, and text messages.